Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Human Resource Audit

Arsip untuk ‘HR Audit’ Kategori

Audit SDM (3)

Sebagai kelanjutan setelah diperkenalkannya audit SDM untuk perencanaan assessment, recruitment, selection, placement berikut adalah audit yang bisa dilakukan untuk sistem SDM lainnya, yakni untuk sistem career management, performance management dan reward management.


1. Apakah perusahaan mempunyai kebijakan/peraturan/keputusan penentuan perencanaan karir bagi karyawan?
2. Jika perusahaan mempunyai perencanaan karir, apakah ada orang atau posisi tertentu yang bertanggungjawab dan memiliki [...]

Untuk mentranslate bahasa

Audit SDM (2)

Setelah sebelumnya dijelaskan mengenai audit SDM untuk perencanaan SDM (HR Planning) dan Struktur Organisasi (Organization Structure) berikut adalah audit yang bisa dilakukan untuk sistem SDM lainnya, yakni untuk assessment, recruitment, selection, placement dan training development.


1. Apakah perusahaan sudah mempunyai standar baku prosedur dalam perekrutan maupun terminasi karyawan? baik internal maupun eksternal?
2. Apakah sudah [...]

Untuk mentranslate bahasa

Audit SDM (1)

Setelah sebelumnya dijelaskan mengenai audit SDM yang sederhana, kini kita bisa lanjut kepada audit SDM yang lebih lengkap. Seperti dijelaskan pada tulisan sebelumnya, audit SDM bisa merujuk (comply kepada) memenuhi standar lokal (pemda, pemprov), standar internal SOP, Company Policy atau regulasi (International Standard atau Standar pemerintah).

Berikut adalah pertanyaan yang bisa digunakan sebagai audit untuk perencanaan [...]

Untuk mentranslate bahasa

Ketika anda melakukan audit SDM, sebenarnya ada beberapa hal yang mesti diketahui yakni kegunaan audit SDM itu sendiri. Ini tergantung dari perspektif dan tujuan audit SDM itu sendiri. Dengan mengetahui tujuan audit, maka pelaksanaan audit dan prosesnya akan menyelaraskan dengan tujuan tersebut.

Beberapa hal yang menjadi tujuan dan kegunaan audit SDM antara lain :

Mencari hal-hal yang [...]

Untuk mentranslate bahasa

Mungkin untuk sementara orang, jika mengenal kata audit langsung terbayang sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan standar, prosedur keuangan, finansial, prosedur dll, dimana dilakukan pengecekan, pemeriksaan apakah proses sudah dijalankan sesuai prosedur atau standar berlaku. Bagi yang berkecimpung dalam aspek keuangan, memang tidak aneh karena sudah ada standar internasional (GAAP, Sarbanes-Oxley, IFRS dll) atau untuk management juga

Referensi www.ilmusdm.word

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

Job Design By Roberto EncarnaciĆ³n


Organization is the strength of any business. The more organized and efficient the different components in the business are, the better it functions and produces. Breaking down tasks associated with each component in the system has led to the concept of job design. Job design came about with rapid technological advancements at the turn of the 20th century when mass production and assembly line operations emerged. As jobs continue to become more sophisticated and specialized, the need for an educated and motivated workforce has become indispensable.

Job Design

The main purpose of job design (or re-design) is to increase both employee motivation and productivity (Rush, 1971). Increased productivity can manifest itself in various forms. For example, the focus can be that of improving quality and quantity of goods and services, reduce operation costs, and/or reduce turnover and training costs.

On the other hand, increasing employees' motivation can be achieved through increased job satisfaction. To this end, the Two-Hygiene Theory by Herzberg (1971, as cited in Rush) describes two sets of factors, satisfying and dissatisfying, that affect an employee's self-esteem and opportunity for self-actualization in the workplace (See Table 1).

Herzberg (1966) made a critical distinction between these factors in that a person does not move in a continuum from being dissatisfied to becoming satisfied or vice versa. Rush (1971, p. 7) tries to explain Herzberg's point by stating that, "the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but no satisfaction; and that the opposite of dissatisfaction is not satisfaction but no dissatisfaction". In a practical sense, this means that dissatisfying factors help support and maintain the structure of the job, while the satisfying factors help the employee reach self-actualization and can increase motivation to continue to do the job.

Methods of Job Design

The performance technologist has at his or her disposal four methods of job design. The first, job enlargement, can be used to increase motivation by giving employee's more and varied tasks. Tasks that reduce the amount of specialization required by the employee, as well as, extending the length of time he or she has to complete them. The second, job rotation, allows an employee to work in different departments or jobs in an organization to gain better insight into operations. This, in itself, does not modify or redesigns the employee's job, but allows the opportunity to increase his/her skills and knowledge about other jobs.

Job enrichment, the third method, allows the employee to take on some responsibilities normally delegated to management. The risk here is that the employee would be transferred too much responsibility and autonomy in the planning and control aspects of the job. Done right, however, the newfound control would invigorate the employee to work more effectively. Lastly, work simplification is the analysis of a job's most basic components to restructure or redesign them to make the job more efficient.

Robertson and Smith (1985) recommend the following strategy for analyzing existing jobs:

Step one: Review the literature and other extant data (training manual, old job descriptions, etc.),

Step two: Ask immediate managers about responsibilities and tasks required to do the job well,

Step three: Ask similar questions to the current employee doing the job,

Step Four: Observe an employee who does the job well,

Step Five: Try to do the job yourself, careful to not attempt jobs that are very dangerous and that are done by employees with prolonged experience, and

Step Six: Write a job description detailing all your findings.

Additional aspects to consider when analyzing and (re)designing a job are the policies, incentives, and feedback that inevitably affect the efficiency and motivation of the employee responsible to the job.

In The Field

Brock Allen, Ph D., director for the Center of Teaching and Learning at San Diego State University (SDSU), places job-design analysis in an educational context. If the analysis is done to better understand the responsibilities of professors as teachers (and not as researchers, for example), he suggests asking questions such as: How do professors 1) understand their job description? 2) manage a course? and 3) become and are held accountable for student learning?

The first question, steps one and three in Robertson and Smith's list, seeks to understand if there is alignment between the job description and what professors are actually doing. Question two, steps two and three, can be addressed to both managers and professors to determine the different methodologies and strategies that are used to teach effectively. The last question, steps one and two, is asked to try and compare how the extant literature, in this case-teaching standards, and the managers help identify indicators of effective teaching.

From the K-12 perspective, David Honda, Math Administrator at Marshall Middle School in the San Diego City Schools (SDSU) district, discusses how incentives play a role in teacher motivation. For example, the district awards teachers at the end of the year for having perfect attendance with a bonus, which does not seem to be tied to awarding teachers for their effectiveness or quality of teaching. Another incentive, one that does tie into teacher effectiveness, is that of offering courses for teachers to learn new teaching strategies, as well as, earn credit to be used toward moving up on the pay scale. Overall, he agrees, most teachers enter the profession for idealistic reasons and tend to be highly motivated to do exceptionally well once they are in the classroom.


Job design serves to improve performance and motivation. Job-design analysis starts by looking at a job with a broad perspective and swiftly moves toward identifying the specific activities required to do the job. This is done for the purpose of identifying and correcting any deficiencies that affect performance and motivation.


Herzberg, F. (1966). Work and the nature of man. Cleveland: World Publishing Co.

Robertson, I. & Smith, M. (1985). Motivation and job design: Theory, research, and practice. St. Paul: West Publishing Co.

Rush, H. (1971). Job design for motivation: Experiments in job enlargement and job enrichment. New York: The Conference Board.

Job Design

Definisi Job Design : Suatu pendekatan di dalam pekerjaan,yang dilakukan sedemikian rupa untuk memetik minat pekerja dengan mengadakan job enlargment dan job enrichment. job design berisi sekumpulan tugas yang digolongkan berdasarkan :
* Tugas apa yang dikerjakan,
* Bagaimana tugas tersebut dikerjakan,
* Berapa banyak tugas tersebut dikerjakan,

Ini diambil ke dalam semua faktor yang berpengaruh pada pekerjaan. Job design menyusun isi dan tugas sehingga tugas-tugas tersebut memiliki resiko yang kecil bagi karyawan. admnistrasi job design meliputi :
* job rotation,
* job enlargement,
* task/machine pacing,
* work breaks, and
* working hours.
Job design yang baik akan menghasilkan SDM yang memiliki good posisition.

Bagaimana Job Design membantu mengorganisasikan pekerjaan?

Prinsip job design mengelompokkan masalah menjadi :

* pekerjaan melebihi batas (work overload),
* pekerjaan yang tidak memenuhi batas (work underload),
* pengulangan (repetitiveness),
* keterbatasan kerja (limited control over work),
* isolation,
* shiftwork,
* delays in filling vacant positions,
* excessive working hours, and
* keterbatasan pengertian dari proses kerja.

What are features of “good” job design?

Job design yang baik mengakomodasi karakteristik mental dan fisik SDM dengan menunjukkan :
* muscular energy contohnya mengatyr jadwal kerja dan istirahat
* mental energy contohnya bosan vs tugas - tugas yang sulit.

Good job design:

* mengasilkan input yang baik bagi Pekerja. pekerja harus memiliki pilihan untuk kebutuhan personal, kebiasan kerja, dan kenyamanan dalam dunia kerja.
* membentuk pemikiran pekerja mengenai accomplishment.
* pekerja mengetahui tugas apa dan bagaimana menyelesaikannya.
* tersedianya jadwal kerja dan istirahat.
* menyediakan feedback bagi pekerja.
* meminimalkan energi yang dikeluarkan dengan penghargaan yang diterima.
* keseimbangan kerja.

Pendekatan dalam Job design

Job Enlargement: praktek yang memperluas isi dari pekerjaan yang meliputi jenis dan tugas dalam tingkat yang sama. Job enlargement seharusnya dapat menambah kesenangan untuk bekerja tapi tidak diwajibkan memberika pekerja tanggung jawab lebih.

Job Rotation: Job rotation memindahkan pekerja dari 1 tugasa ke tugas lain. ini mendistribusikan grup kerja diantara sejumlah pekerja.
Job Enrichment: praktek yang memberikan karyawan tingkat kebebasan yang lebih tinggi terhadap perencanaan dan pengorganisasian pekerjaan melalui implementasi kerja dan hasil evaluasi.
Work Design (Job Engineering): desain kerja yang mengijinkan pekerja melihat bagaimana metode kerja, layout kerjasama antara pekerja dengan mesin.

Tujuan dari keseluruhan Job design :
Ragam Tugas

dua metode yang digunakan yaitu; job enlargement and job rotation. sebagai contoh ,jika seorang pekerja bekerja di perusahaan assembly,maka pekerjaan nya mencakup perencanaang,pengawasan dan perbaikan. contoh lain :di dalam pekerjaan di bidang laundry terdapat perputaran yaitu; pemilihan, pencucian, penyikatan, penyetrikaan,pengeringan dll.

Work Breaks / Rest Breaks

waktu istirahat merupakan waktu yang memberikan sedikit penyelesaian dalam pekerjaan. akan tetapi waktu istirahat yang sedikit dinilai lebih banyak disukai daripada istirahat yang panjang. dengan adanya waktu istirahat/ cuti dapat memberikan kesegaran bagi pekerja.

Pengadaan Training

Training sangat diperlukan dalam pekerjaan. training diberikan untuk efisiensi kerja sehingga para pekerja menjaid lebih terampil.

Vary Mental Activities

Tugas harus dikoordinasi sehingga para pekerja menjadi seimbang. d3ngan adanya berbagai pilihan membuat para pekerja mampu mengerjakan tugas mereka menjadi lebih baik.beberapa pekerja lebih menyukai mengerjakan tugas rutinitas mereka di pagi hari.dan menyimpan tugas mereka untuk dikerjakan di sore hari.

Langkah - langkah yang harus diambil ketika membuat job design :

- kerjakan tugas yang biasa (Do an assessment of current work practices).
- kerjakan tugas analisis ( Do a task analysis ).
- Golongkan tugas - tugas
- identifikasi masalah - masalah yang ada
- implementasikan job design
- evaluasi kembali job design
(Adapted from: “Workplace Health and Wellness” guide. CCOHS, 2008)